


Welcome to my personal website! I'm Povilas, born and currently living in Lithuania. 

I've spent 15 years working in cybersecurity, I'm currently enjoying being unemployed, working on my hobbies and learning to work with a fiber laser. 

I like photography and collecting vintage digicams, you can find some of my pictures in the gallery

I also enjoy reading, playing with ML, electronics, my fiber laser, collecting incenses, perfumes and various natural scented materials. Here is a list of stuff I own in case you want to trade samples.

I've created the website unfound.media where you can discover videos uploaded to YouTube with default filenames, with AI categorization for easier browsing. You can find some beautiful and weird examples of such videos on the /r/unfoundvideos subreddit.

You can contact me at povilas@nothing.lt, p@nothing.lt on bluesky or /u/un___nd on reddit.

2024-07-04 19:15